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SCBAT: Connecting bats and communities


The South Coast Bat Action Team (SCBAT) is a partnership between conservation organizations, park associations, landowners, naturalists and any others that want to monitor bats in their community! We are proud to be supported by the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation


Our goals:


• Find out more about bats and bat roosts in British Columbia’s south coast region


• Work with conservation organizations to provide bat education


• Work with stakeholder groups to increase protection for bats on private land.


We need to learn more about bats on the south coast. As night-flying predators of insects, bats provide a unique service within our ecosystems. British Columbia is home to 16 known species of bats. The south coast provides habitat for at least 10 species, but little is known about bats in this area. Few bat roosts have been identified, and information is lacking about the overwintering or breeding habits of bats in this region. Bringing together information on bat sightings and monitoring known roost sites on the south coast will increase our knowledge of bats and help us understand how to conserve their habitat.We need your help. We are seeking partnerships with local conservation groups who are interested in hosting education nights, providing information on areas of high bat activity or potential roost sites within their area, and monitoring bat activity within their communities.• Conservation Organizations and Naturalist GroupsTell us where you are seeing bats in your community.


Send us an email or check out our website to find out how to contribute information.



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